Well. If you're aiming for professional, then perhaps you ought to take the time to proofread your reviews. They're pretty rampant with typos, which suggests you're not taking your time.
Your 'intro, melody, ending' system doesn't strike me as an ideal way to arrange a review. There's nothing wrong with a regimented review style, but perhaps consider more immediately useful categories. 'Song structure, production (that is, mixing and the like), instrumentation, composition.'
What I do, personally, is simply respond to elements as I hear them. I usually listen to the track a few times over during the review, and address things as I hear them. It's a matter of being very specific, rather than simply saying things like 'something sounded a bit off, I think....'
If you want to trade some reviews, I'm always down. Hit a track or two of mine and I'll check your stuff out.
your reviews aren't so great bud.
How so? and that's not really the point, im trying to make more people do thorough reviews so that the newgrounds audio portal becomes a more "prfessionnal" one.