
97 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 139 Reviews

Yeah i never herd of you before either!

This song really sets me back! It's a reminder that it's the little things that make songs so great. I have to say, this is now one of my favorite if not my favorite song ever. xKore, you should seriously think about selling your music because youve got a real skill going for you. Nice choice of title! seriously the title is the only reason i chose this song! i thought it soundid kind of funny. But then i realised it was right on target. the title truly defines the song.

The Intro: 10/10
Nice liberation style at the beggining, building up by stage, constantly teasing by staying on the same 2 notes with the bass, and then, when the vocals kick in, showing your real colours. The opening in this song is truly professionnal. taking your time in this one really paid off!

Choice of Instruments: 9/10
The bassline sends waves of goose bumps through my body. Especialy at the beggining! but for some reason, if you listen clossely, it seems that the bass changes from the opening to the melody. Probably because of some noise issues in the oppening, but it is barely noticable since the bass quickly switches back.
I think the drums would of been beter if they had a little less power in them, but i guess you can't have everything.
the vocals are breathtaking because, first of all, you can't understand what shes saying, wich backs up the title i guess xD and they are short and easy to place anywhere in the song.
But its really all the other effects and ambient synths that make this song so good. Really making this song feel more and more like a dream then a 2003 comedy staring Bill Murray.

Fade Out: 10/10
Ending the same way it starts may seem a bit cheap to some. But in this case, the song needs to keep the same feeling of complexity and subtility as it had in the beggining to really keep its title at the top of my favorit list xP.

Note: yeah this review wont be of any use to you because either you just wont read it, like most insanely awesome NG artists. or you will just concider me like any other fan. but im not... im more of the type of fan who comes and shoots you while your lying in bed next to Yoko Ono. nah thats a bad joke... i just dont want to appear normal, and i normaly dont. oh and if you do read this somehow... id really like to know what program your using! peace out!

xKore responds:

Hey man, I read your review, greatly appreciated dood :)

Yo man i know what your thinking!!!

Yeah Yeah Yeah... i know i could just tell you the review in AIM. but then i miss the fun of seeing your much awaited response engraved in a small box with rounded corners, text in text placement and a paled tint witch simply screams out a message that it counts it self above all living organisms on earth. Your probably wondering what I'm talking about and so am i so lets continue with another X-TREME review by me, Simon Pharow. yeah sorry this one is probably gonna be a bit shorter then usual because Ive wasted all my patience losing at Soul cali... eh never mind that and for your information the minimum number of letters in messages Ive sent until now (except that PM) is at least 2000 letters. yeah id like to see anyone else do such a long review... well most of it is in the intro. yeah see I'm at 750 now.

The Entry: 9/10
Yeah i know i should be writing intro by now but i don't know... it just doesn't have the same effect. This entry is definitely one of the best that you made that Ive checked out. Nice build up with some nice effects here and there. but next time when you try to make a big piece like the bass come in try putting some extra effect: like a reverse smash for example. but still, nice and simple and not too long either.

The Bass: 9/10
The Bass in this song is the right instrument for the job but it inst playing as much as it is supposed too. actually you seem to of had put more effort on the chelo. witch isn't that bad it's just that there's not enough bass to go around.

The Beat: 9.5/10
In this song you really got the feeling of power that the beat in a dnb is supposed to give. but for certain parts the change is too much. For instance when you switch from samples to recordings the change is really hard to miss. but it does give another kind of feeling that is almost as good.

Sorry my time is up, i can't really continue the review because im gona lose my connection in 7 minutes. and to give you an idea, just the review section of this text took me 45 minutes too do; you can't make a review without listening to the song at least 4 or 5 times is what i say. even in some cases, i put it on my psp, and i listen to it all day on a loop so that when it comes to my review, i get them right 100%. good job cake that's an awesome 9/10!!! oh and btw, if you havnt noticed, when i got on, your Halloween loop was on the top three dnbs.
Cya next time

MmmCake responds:

thanks for another fantastic review Simon! :D:D:D:D:D:D you're the best,man


Aight its me again so scream all you want it is inevitable that you will receive a less then perfect score on this song. because after all, nothing is perfect. that's why I'm here! this song intrigued me because i just couldn't figure out what it ment. The meaning of each letter was intriguing enough but what was the most confusing at all is that THERE'S NO DOT AFTER THE LETTER F!!!! WHAT THE F DOES IT MEAN!?!?!?!? (and yes the pun was intended) HEY I GOT A GREAT IDEA!!! Too try something new that i think youl love, for each section I'm gonna put points. It makes my job a lot harder but it really does add a big plus doesn't it.

The entry: 4/10
This is a classic techno entry: nothing particular about it. in fact there's pretty much nothing too it. Really straight forward shit. No effects no nothing but witch doesn't really matter anyway in this song because it builds up fast.maybe doing a fade in for the synth would of been a good idea tho...

The melody: 7/10
I'm sorry to say there's nothing really ground braking here either but the way the synth hovers so carelessly between major and minor gives it a kind of futuristic feel to it... in a way. the bass synth is good but nothing to get worked up about.

The rhythme: 6/10 well i kinda counts...
yeah it's basic techno stuff. but you know what? i don't even know why I'm reviewing this in a techno song because the basic is exactly what you need: paying too much attention to the rhythm changes the genre completely.

The ending: 8/10 but doesn't count for shit
I have to say the ending is really good: i really loved the fade out effect but once again, it doesnt really count for shit... sorry...

Just throw it in the blender: 6/10
sorry but i have to disagree; this is really not your best work. although it doesn't really fail at delivering, it fails at something else: being original.

Note: i don't take reviews lightly: i do my best to give a fare review giving as much of my personal opinions as i give general knowledge of music that i have gained after years of studying music of all genres.
P.S. stay fresh! cya next time.

got any questions? Or just want to have a meaningless conversation? email me at aliaspharow@hotmail.com

MmmCake responds:

lol, thanks for the review!! :D:D

yeah this isn't anything good at all, i was just playing around with new sounds n stuff as i was getting new vst's. when i made this, however, it was the best (now, far from it).

would face of made a beter title?

OK, listen! i ain't gonna use any big words to make you think i'm a wiz when it comes to reviewing. because i can just write it at the end. and i ain't gona give you advice that will completely change the feeling of the track. i'm just doing this because ive got nothing to do from 5 to 8. Oh and don't take any of this shit personnaly because i just love to help awesome artists that are willing to put there work of arts free on the internet make there songs beter. i'm probably borring your ass off by writin this so might as well get to the review. oh and one more thing, i'm not always write: your the one who descided if i am or not because after all, its your song.

REVIEW STARTS HERE: (could i of made that any more obvious)
The entry:
oh the classic! a good entry is what keeps thoes treasure hunters from pressing the back button on there internet browser. well it's not always the case but i think this is how all dnb should start like: Fast, loud, and full of energy.
But dude... admit it! you took the beginning from more - Junkie XL didnt you?
HA! you sneaky bastard!

The melody:
For you, i think this could of whent beter: the melody it's self is good but the instrument is lacking a real bass sound that could of made the song sound alot more powerfull. same goes to the drums.

The drums:
as i said, the drums are lacking power. and just three samples just don't cut it. you musnt forget that the drums are as important as the bass in a dnb. after all that's why we call it drum and bass, not just bass... not just that, but the kick sample doesn't even sound like a real kick... it's not long or powerful enough.

The ending:
who cares? isn't that the whole point of an ending?

well any way i also have to agree with boomer raid... it's really not that hard to make a song longer... just try looping certain parts of the song and voila...

Cette critique vous est apporter par votre critique canadien preferer... malheureusement, il ne peut se montrer puisqu'apres tout nous somme sure l'internet ou tous est accessible a tout le monde. (if you guessed russian you are official a complete cultural retard.)

cya folks!
oh and plz comment. im trying to refine my reviewing skills...

MmmCake responds:

Wow OMG! Thanks for the review!! :D:D
Never heard of Junkie XL before, but if you mean the "YEAH" sample then it very well could've been (I'm not totally sure where I got it xD).
you review skills are great, its excellent how you break it down into instruments and song sections.
the problem with the kick drum was distortion, i made it as powerful as possible without sounding bubbly (yeah, that's something I really gotta work on.)

Yeah, I can tell it's french, but my question to you is "¿Cómo bien le puede hablar en Español?".

Thanks again!!! :D:D

I...I... i just dont get it...

This is obviously not my type of song so i might as well keep to the basics: it's the same beat from beginning to end except for a small change in the middle so it lacks some diversity. it is really lacking in effects and it feels really... how do i day this... fake?... well yeah you get it. but besides that it does have a kind of "tribal" feel to it.
P.S. notice that the button is tagged "Submit Review!" not" Submit Comment!"
don't hate the reviewer... nvm, do hate the reviewer. but at least read his advice first.

Myheaven-420 responds:

i frankly dont give a crap, its your opion, so dont think i got hurt by your letter, i make what i make and if people like than thats fine, if not then oh well.

and yes i did get goose bumps in this one...

well, i have to agree with blackattack... The build up is pretty insane but some effects could of used a bit more work. for instance, the bass slide at 0:57 witch seems like it was added at the last minute is missing some effect that could of made it fit in a lot more and i also think the piano doesn't sound as good as it could, but that might just be me. There is also a section, from 1:08 to 1:18, were the rhythm seems to switch to trance. but it's not something really negative, i just thought it was kind of weird. But i have to say the build up, especially at the entry point at 0:37, is one of the best I've herd on NG. Also very nice effects but that bass slide still bugs me.
P.S. don't take any of my reviews personally. I'm just trying to introduce serious reviewing to the world of NG. (constant compliments are a thing of the past)

SessileNomad responds:

no the reverse kick was used at the start of the constructing of this song

that swith to trance, its kind of somthing i like to do with songs like this in order to combat repetitiveness

peace out


You've got the idea, but theres something missing.

you know, when i started this song, i was like "omg wtf is this"... but once it started upi realized that this is kind of good. But your song could of gone one of two ways: the intense way (my way) or the soft way (isn't too good for a dnb). well you got the intense way but theres something that cought my ear: the beat just isn't right. well actually youve got the beat, just not enough of it. you need to add a more clash to it or else its just a rythme. there is also a small lack of instruments but it is barely noticible to the entrained ear.
P.S. just because i dont have any uploads doesnt mean i dont have any experience heres a log for ya: 8 year chorus, 9 years piano, 3 years guitar, and been lead singer in a band for 6 months. take in concideration that i'm 15 years old and youve got a hell of a lot of experience

Zajed responds:

ye i agree this thing needs something but just because i was too lazy to finish it
aside from that there are many people who like different ways of music or different styles of genres
there are diff. ways to create drums for a dnb track and i just took the simple way, the most people or dnbfans are familiar with the regular drumstyles used in darkstep, hardstep and jungle
even though you're right with your review you're wrong at the same time, because recording something is way different than creating something with synths in a programm
im experienced myself: piano (practically my whole life), 5 years guitar, composing class, 6 years of creating music with programms(i record from time to time ubt i dont upload it here)
if you listen to the most of my songs you notice that they need something because i rarely upload my good things here, but overall i cant use my piano knowledge and guitar knowledge in my musicprogramm(except for knowing which notes and chords are good and what style fits) because hearing a real instrument with your ears is diff than hearing an instrument played in a programm, especially when it comes to synths

i dont try to sap your review i actually appreciate if someone leaves constructive feedback because you rarely see something like that on NG but on the other side if everyone is gonna responsing like me to a good review like yours it would'nt be a surprise that there is a lack of good critic on NG
well i just wanted to tell you that or see it as a little information passing from one musician to another

but overall i just was too lazy with this track lol, thanks alot for the constructive feedback i dont get that alot on NG and feedback is important to improve things but i guess everyone knows that

aka.: ForeSpace French Canadian (Montreal, Go Habs!) Progressive House/ Trance Artist Self proclaimed Smart Ass

Simon Cameron @aliaspharow

Age 30, Male


Some College Somewhere

Binghamton, NY

Joined on 9/4/07

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